Barriers to Listening (Part 2)

Luke Kuepfer • August 15, 2018

Last week I talked about preoccupation being a barrier to listening. This week I'd like to briefly discuss how having one's mind made up creates another serious barrier.

Many of us, if not all of us, are pretty convinced about certain things. That's a good thing. We ought to have convictions and personal preferences without being subjected to condemnation.

Unfortunately, though, having our minds made up on an issue can really prevent us from hearing another person out and winning the right to be heard on what we believe. When you appear like a stone wall and unmovable to the point that you're not even willing to hear what others have to say, you've cut yourself off from having any impact on them or gaining new information that may leave you better informed.

So here are some tips on dealing with this barrier. Rather than giving in to fear or pride, lower this barrier by really listening to an opposing viewpoint and see if there is anything to be learned. If not, inwardly strengthen your viewpoint by contrasting it to what you're hearing. See the person(s) behind the argument or information and realize that they came to their conclusions through another process. Be "human" by attributing worth and dignity to others made in the image of God, regardless of their perspective.

[Next Wednesday we'll look at frequent distractions and interruptions and how to overcome these barriers to listening.]

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