Be Internally Prepared for External Crises

Luke Kuepfer • January 22, 2018

A Serving Leadership Insight from the Life of Jesus Christ (Matthew 24:3-8)

In Matthew 24:3–8, Jesus responded to his disciples’ questions regarding his second coming and the end of time. “Watch out that no one deceives you,” were his first words. Perhaps one of the greatest temptations we face in times of difficulty is latching on to some self-proclaimed deliverer who offers hope and a quick fix to the problem. Jesus also described some signs of this time period: wars, rumors of wars, ethnic and political strife, famines, and earthquakes. “All these are the beginning of birth pains,” Jesus informed them, “but see to it that you are not alarmed.” Serving leaders neither jump to rapid conclusions nor are guided by fear. They are more concerned with being internally prepared for external crises than having flawless contingency plans. Rather than depending on human solutions, they remain anchored to their Audience of One, trusting Christ for strength, provision, and wisdom in the time of need.of people? Serving leaders get excited about developing humanity rather than the inanimate façades of temporality.

Lead, love, and serve, like Jesus!

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KEY QUESTIONS: What are my greatest fears? How much time or energy do I currently give to contingency planning? How can I internally prepare myself and my team for future unknowns? What are some safeguards from deception?

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