Building Trust Through Honesty

Luke Kuepfer • November 25, 2019

A Serving Leadership Insight from the Life of Jesus Christ (Mark 7:22)

In Mark 7:22 Jesus listed deceit as a deadly sin. Driven by a self-oriented disposition, some leaders appear to be giving when it is really a shrewd means for greater taking. Through trickery and deceit, they take advantage of others. Consider the Greeks who besieged Troy but couldn’t gain entrance to the city. They built a large wooden horse and left it as a gift for the Trojans. The horse was brought into the city and at night the Greeks hid within burst out to wreak destruction and death upon Troy. Nothing breaks down trust more than dishonesty. Leaders who are transparent and open will often be granted forgiveness if they admit to their mistakes quickly. The longer one waits to make an apology, the quicker one is perceived as deceitful. Serving leaders value integrity and honesty in themselves and others. In relationships, the capital of trust brings the greatest return on investment.

KEY QUESTIONS: When and where have I observed a deceitful leader? Why is it so hard to admit that I am wrong? When have I waited too long to make an apology? With whom do I need to rebuild trust and invest more in the relationship?

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