Happy New Year!

Luke Kuepfer • December 28, 2018

Thanks to all of you for reading my blogposts this year. It was a huge undertaking to consistently prepare three posts per week; I've been so grateful to many of you who have responded with encouragement to keep writing. I've been very intentional to keep them short and practical and will continue to focus on that in the New Year. My goal is to add value to your journey!

If you have any friends or colleagues that would benefit from these posts please point them via email, social media, or text (pony express works too!) to http://lukek.me/se. Also, if you have any topics you'd like me to tackle in the New Year please send them to luke@lukekuepfer.com.

I'm hoping to release an online Serving Leadership course for personal development in the first quarter of 2019. I'll keep you posted. And don't forget my FREE online coursePURPOSE —which will help you write up a personal mission statement and truly thrive while achieving your life purpose in 2019.

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Many of us see church related ministry as holy and worthy of our esteem and work related vocations as less than holy and certainly not as important in the Kingdom of God.
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A person in spiritual authority does not have to insist on obedience—that is the moral responsibility of the follower.
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