Keeping it Simple

Luke Kuepfer • June 10, 2019

A Serving Leadership Insight from the Life of Jesus Christ (Mark 6:8-11)

In Mark 6:8–11 Jesus gave very detailed instructions to his disciples before sending them out on their mission. They were to take along nothing but a staff and a few items of clothing: no food, no money, and no bag for begging. Divine Providence would supply their needs as they traveled around in faith. Shoes were necessary, but not an extra shirt. Jesus wanted them to trust God each evening for hospitality rather than be prepared to brave the elements by having an outer cloak. His mission was relational; they were to seek lodging wherever a welcome was given and to share the kingdom message with all who would listen. Jesus concentrated on simplicity; they had an urgent message that must not be encumbered by unnecessary concerns. He focused his disciples on keeping the main thing the main thing. Faith was required, relationships were key, and simplicity would both maintain and ensure their focus.

Lead, love, and serve, like Jesus!

KEY QUESTIONS: Do I believe that “less is more” or have I often complicated my life with too many things or too full a schedule? What is one step today that I could take to simplify my life? Does my schedule prioritize relationships? In what area of my life am I currently stepping out in faith?

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