Living a Life of God-Dependence

Luke Kuepfer • March 28, 2018

Wouldn't it be great if our perspective on faith automatically translated into living by faith? I've often pondered how difficult it is to live by faith, given the fact that we have credit cards, bank accounts, and tons of other resources at our disposal when the going gets tough.

I'll have to admit that my faith was tested much more when our family served as missionaries in SE Asia between 1997 and 2008. I had been challenged by a close friend to not make our financial needs known to anyone; to simply pray for God to supply them. I wish I could say that my faith was strong and that I always responded without worry. That simply did not happen; often my faith was weak at best.

When we first moved to SE Asia we had enough money to purchase a small motorbike. We only had one daughter at that time and our means of transportation was adequate, at least while the dry season lasted. Shortly before the rainy season began, someone unknown to me felt led to give us a very substantial donation that made it possible for us to purchase a vehicle. It came right around the same time that our visas had changed into the required type that allowed us to make that purchase.

I remember one year when we were due for a furlough. I had booked tickets on Korean Air six months out from our return date for North America. For some reason, we were waitlisted and seats were not available. Our agent assured us the seats would most likely clear and not to be concerned. We actually had a bigger concern–money that typically came in for furlough expenses for some reason appeared to have dried up. About a month or two away from our return date we found ourselves discussing several contingencies and seriously praying for resources and wisdom. We had enough saved up for myself and one of our children to fly back; I needed to go since I was already booked to speak at several events in North America. We thought that perhaps my speaking would generate some funds which would allow Amy and the other two children to fly back a little later.

As it turned out, the money came in for our tickets on Friday, the seats on Korean cleared on Saturday, and we boarded our flights on Monday–our original return date. While it was super cool to see God supply our needs just in time, I remember hoping I'd never have my faith tested like that again.

Several years passed and we were living back in North America. My speaking was mostly in the non-profit world and income was up and down. We had a large bill due at the end of the year and looking at my calendar I knew there was no way under the sun I'd be able to pay it since no one books speakers around Christmas. Again, we prayed and trusted God to supply our needs, making them known to no one but our heavenly Father (and I must confess that I really struggled with doubt once again!). Shortly before we needed to pay that bill, someone took me out for breakfast and handed me a check, enough to cover it. Again, God was faithful.

So what is the point of these stories? Certainly not to highlight my faith as God was faithful despite my lack of it. Nor do I tell them to suggest that we only live by faith when we are not working for a sustainable income. These stories are simply part of my journey and life experience and have caused me to think deeply about faith and God-dependence. While today I earn ample income from my business speaking, I still am tested to live by faith–a life of God-dependence.

Based on God's faithfulness, I choose to not fret about the future. I am not overly concerned with radical Islam, wars brewing around the globe, or who is our President. Nor do I worry about the current economic forecast or global problems. I've come to realize that God is sovereign regardless of what is happening or who is in power. I've prayed and fasted for both Democratic and Republican presidents as that is my Biblical mandate. I try to give generously regardless of my level of income. I pray for God's Kingdom come to all the world (using the Operation World App on my phone) and get practically involved in making the world a better place.

Living a life of God-dependence means trusting him. It means that despite what happens to me, I will choose to respond rather than react. That means allowing my character to be built rather than casting blame on some person or event. It also means taking ownership and making the most of every situation by God's wisdom and grace. Living a life of God-dependence is ultimately trusting in our Heavenly Father who knows the way that I take and will work all things together for ultimate good whether it seems good to me or not (see Romans 8:28).

Matthew 10:29-31
"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."

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