Here's an issue that has been quite a challenge for a large number of leaders and managers. How do you motivate and engage the younger workforce that is characterized by entitlement, self-interest, and lack of focus? A great place to start is by watching Simon Sinek’s 15-minute talk on Millennials in the Workplace.
In his book, Generation iY, Tim Elmore calls them an EPIC generation that responds best to input that is E-xperiential
, P-articipatory
, I-mage-rich
, and C-onnected.
Most young people today are experiential; they want to see or do something, not just hear something. So allow them to learn by trying new things. When possible, cross train them on new roles or tasks.
Young people today love to participate, they want to express themselves and help in determining outputs. So involve them in the decision-making process, especially when those decisions will affect them. Years ago while leading a non-profit I invited everyone to our annual leadership meeting, including those brand new on staff. I would inform them that everyone’s voice counted with the understanding that those who had been there longer had much more weight to their voice.
Image-rich: use images, illustrations, demonstrations—show and tell. The younger generation has grown up with multi-media for everything. So learn to communicate using images, metaphors, and stories. Jesus used parables for a reason. Connect on both a heart and mind level. When you touch someone’s emotions you’re able to change their mind.
And finally, this generation is connected, both socially and technologically. Engage them on social media and do things together outside of work. Building community offsite promotes onsite connection and the ability to work through difficulties if and when they do arise.
Millennials/Gen Y (or iY), and Gen Z/post-millennials have much to offer if we will learn to listen, understand, and adjust our leadership/management style to their unique situation and perspectives. Our world keeps changing, and with it, the challenges of engaging and motivating the workforce.