Moving Forward or Backward

Luke Kuepfer • March 18, 2019

A Serving Leadership Insight from the Life of Jesus Christ (Mark 4:21-25)

In Mark 4:21–25 Jesus clarified the ultimate purpose of parables and the importance of understanding what you hear. Using the image of a lamp, he pointed out that its purpose was for revealing light, not concealing it. While truth is clear, our ability to comprehend is often limited by faulty filters of interpretation. Feelings, emotions, and our perceptions derived from experience make it difficult to always be objective. “Consider carefully what you hear,” Jesus told his disciples. Absorb truth you already know in order to receive additional deeper meaning. Vision sharpens and understanding increases in proportion to one’s obedience. It all depends on your spiritual attitude. If you are open to the light, you’ll receive more. Refusing to change and grow, however, causes the truth you already know to slip away. You’re either moving forward or backward; there’s no standing still. It’s both a promise and a warning to serving leaders.

Lead, love, and serve, like Jesus!

KEY QUESTIONS: What experiences have I had that make it difficult for me to comprehend truth? Who could help me discern my feelings, emotions, and perceptions? When have I been rewarded with more truth because I obeyed or applied what I already knew? Have I ever moved backward because I failed to exercise wisdom or submit to a rule?

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