In Mark 6:39–44 Jesus directed his disciples to use their meager resources and feed a multitude. Like God had provided heavenly bread for the Israelites in the desert so Jesus multiplied five loaves of bread and two fish for a crowd in the Judaean wilderness. Like the Israelite tribes had been arranged in an orderly fashion around the Tabernacle, Jesus had his disciples organize the people in groups of fifties and hundreds. Just like he involved his disciples in performing this miracle, you too can inspire and develop leaders by including them in significant events. Jesus also was firmly establishing his deity by performing and fulfilling an Old Testament miracle. Verify your leadership credentials by your acts of service. The miracle that took place that day happens every day in our world as God multiplies life in fields, gardens, forests, and seas. Like the disciples, we participate in God’s miracles by serving others with his resources.
Lead, love, and serve, like Jesus!
What significant events have I been involved in that were initiated by other leaders? What significant events have I invited others to participate in? Do I rely on my attributed title or position for leadership or are my credentials based primarily on who I am and my acts of service? What are some practical ways to serve others with God’s resources?