People are our Greatest Asset

Luke Kuepfer • January 17, 2018

Most of us will admit that the people we hire can either make our company or break it. Reminds me of one successful founder and CEO of a large company who told me that he wasn’t the smartest person in the room; he simply knew how to hire people smarter than himself which led to their corporate success.

That’s easy enough to say, it’s quite another to make it happen. First off, one needs to be secure in their own leadership and not afraid of being wrong. He or she must be willing to defer to team decisions after intentionally choosing those who will not be simply “yes-yes” people. Hiring talent that cares more about the company’s mission than pleasing people—especially the boss—can ensure success.

Secondly, a leader needs to clear away any obstacles that may hinder the success of their employees. This includes both development and empowerment. Leaders who train and develop their people take responsibility and will often respond with something to the effect when problems occur: “I didn’t train them adequately or provide them with the needed resources." This type of leader sets his or her people up for success by sufficiently and effectively equipping them. And once they are trained they are also given authority to make decisions and fulfill the company’s mandate.

Leaders can make or break their employees which in turn makes or breaks a company.

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