Prepared for Calamity

Luke Kuepfer • May 31, 2021

A Serving Leadership Insight from the Life of Jesus Christ (Mark 14:32-52)

“Returning the third time, he said to them, ‘Are you still sleeping and resting? Enough! The hour has come. Look, the Son of Man is delivered into the hands of sinners. Rise! Let us go! Here comes my betrayer!’” (See Mark 14:32-52 for full text)


In Mark 14:32–52, Jesus’ disciples complacently slept while Jesus prayed and then reacted wildly when confronted by adversity. In contrast, Jesus prepared for calamity by praying. When disaster struck, he rose to meet his betrayers with determination and submission. Jesus’ response was based on a decision made prior to the problem. Although Jesus had issued a warning to his disciples, they chose to ignore it while their friend and leader wrestled fervently in prayer. Their apathy led to their undoing. One of their own—driven by greed and dissatisfaction—betrayed Jesus with a kiss. When faced by an armed mob, the disciples quickly resorted to violence—one drew a sword and cut off a man’s ear. When outnumbered and robbed of their leader, they bolted in fear, abandoning their best friend. Complacency precedes collapse. In contrast, serving leaders are alert, prepared, and ultimately victorious.


KEY QUESTIONS: When has a situation taken me by surprise and left me confused and reactive? In what areas of my life am I complacent or apathetic? How might I better prepare for future adversities and calamities? Who is going through a difficult time right now and needs me to stand with them?

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