In Matthew 24:9–35, Jesus shared numerous signs and events that would precede his return to earth at the end of time. Noting that these days would be shortened lest no one survives, he defined reality in stark terms, warning his disciples of fierce opposition, deception, and betrayal. But Jesus also supplied them with defensive and offensive countermeasures. “Stand firm to the end,” he essentially told them. “Don’t believe every self-proclaimed messiah who appears performing signs and wonders.” And regarding their strategic role during this time, Jesus prophetically declared: “This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” As a serving leader, Jesus detailed what his followers were up against. He gave them clear instructions—ending with a message of hope—that the Son of Man would come “on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory.”
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Do I tend toward an overly optimistic or pessimistic outlook? How might I define future possibilities in more realistic terms? What message of hope can I always share with those I lead?