Resolving Conflicts: Improper Responses, Part 3 (“Flee”)

Luke Kuepfer • October 2, 2019

In the last two posts I’ve been talking about improper responses to conflict such as “ freezing people out” or “ firing off verbal bullets;” today I am discussing a third negative response in which people flee from conflict and avoid any type of engagement.

When an argument begins, people literally run from it. Some people go out and get drunk or embark on a shopping spree or just storm out of the building. Others silently leave with a victim mentality.

On dysfunctional teams, people either choose a “yes-yes” posture toward their leader or leave when things don’t go their way. Highly effective teams see conflict and disagreement in a more positive light and encourage it as a way forward toward better solutions. Their only concern is that members agree to disagree agreeably. maintaining respect for each other. Ideas are attacked, not each other, and members never flee the scene.

Another way people flee from conflict is to absorb themselves in work. Their workaholism may be symptomatic of running away from conflict and drowning out the pressure through work. Like all the other improper responses we’ve discussed earlier, fleeing does not resolve the problem. The person simply carries the issue with them, becoming reactionary and bitter in the process.

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