Responding Under Pressure

Luke Kuepfer • June 18, 2018

A Serving Leadership Insight from the Life of Jesus Christ (Matthew 27:27-44)

In Matthew 27:27–44, Jesus endured mockery and physical brutality without lashing back or defending himself. The soldiers stripped him, placed a scarlet robe and crown of thorns on his head, and mocked him as king of the Jews. The religious leaders derided him as one who could save others but not himself. Just imagine the intense temptation Jesus must have had to simply prove himself. Though king of the world, he allowed his subjects to taunt him and beat him to a bloody pulp. Rejected by all, he continued to extend mercy and forgiveness. Not once did he respond or react in a self-serving, protective fashion. In fact, when offered a narcotic-laced wine to ease his pain, Jesus rejected it outright. He had come to serve and chose to endure the full extent of the suffering heaped on him. Jesus was no weak pushover, however; his silence expressed the magnificent spirit of one who leads for a higher purpose than his own well-being.​

Lead, love, and serve, like Jesus!

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KEY QUESTIONS: In what situations have I tried to prove myself? Do I often defend my viewpoints or argue for their validity? How can I extend mercy or forgiveness to those who reject me or my perspective? What is true strength?

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