Serving Leadership Journey 4Q: Current Leadership Titles/Roles

Luke Kuepfer • January 30, 2020

[I’m launching a new Wednesday blogpost series connected to my 2020 4Q program in which I will share my personal responses to the questions raised in the worksheets.]

What are my current leadership titles or roles? How can I become a person worth following in each of these leadership capacities?

Without title or position, twelve men (the disciples) left their careers (financial security), family, and friends behind to follow Jesus—someone they believed was worth following. That’s not to say that’s there’s anything wrong with titles or positions. But will those who are currently following you, embrace your values or work for you just as hard as when you’re in the room (or on the job site) as when you are not? It all depends on whether or not you are someone worth following. Below are three roles I currently have in leadership and how I’ve attempted to become a leader worth following in each one:

Husband: As husband to Amy for almost 25 years, I have come to understand that quality and quantity time are keys to her heart. For us that means walks, bike rides, dates, and morning devotions with her. Since I’m not a great chef, I assume the role of “chief dish washer” in the kitchen and also help with sweeping floors and taking out the garbage. Early morning foot rubs while she is waking up have also become a ritual that thrills her heart.

Father: As a father to Brittany, Courtney, and Jamin, I’ve often taken them on trips with me while they were growing up (homeschooling made this possible). My girls loved monthly dates with dad (typically a restaurant of their choice) and Jamin always enjoyed his “men’s night out” with me which usually included throwing a ball, kicking a ball, or something with a ball (ie. anything related to sports!), and of course, FOOD. Conducting morning devotions for the family, discussing important life decisions and issues over meals, and taking our family on annual vacations were all important for my children’s development and direction in life. My daughters still love to talk about books they’re reading and concepts they’re processing. And anything sports related with my son (throwing a football or baseball, kicking a soccer ball or shooting hockey pucks) is speaking in his "heart language."

President of Reverb Network: Conducting trainings over a period of four years with the same small group of people has built deep relationships. Being real and vulnerable during training and informal events have established trust. Washing the feet of the leaders I was developing in some of my international contexts has had special significance while working in non-profit/church contexts. Also as president, I serve the interests of the organization through consistent meetings that keep us focused on our vision, mission, and values.

So what are your current leadership roles? How will you become a person worth following in each of them? Write them down and start with small steps, applying one idea in each role. Over time, add to your list and increase your service. You are a serving leader!

[ Click here for my 4Q Program brochure which includes pricing for both individuals or companies ]

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