Serving Leadership Journey 4Q: Developing Successors

Luke Kuepfer • March 4, 2020

[My Wednesday blogpost series is connected to my 2020 4Q program in which I share my personal responses to the questions raised in the worksheets.]

Considering the definition for serving leadership, who are you currently developing to succeed you? How does this apply in other social contexts (e.g. family)?

A Serving Leader is someone worth following who accomplishes a higher purpose by developing others. In fact, leaders are only successful if they raise up other leaders. 

Most importantly for me is my family. I want to do everything I can to help them be successful in life—spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically, socially, and financially. Since all my children are in college, I drop in on them from time to time during my travels to take them out on lunch or dinner dates. I also stay in touch with them via family group text and share resources from time to time. Our time together over holidays and an annual vacation include moments of intentional listening and input.

Regarding my plan for leadership succession at the Reverb Network, I’m spending time with a group of key leaders in person and on phone calls. Strategic meetings with the board help us think about the future and what needs to happen in terms of succession. Eventually, I hope to pass on the baton to another capable leader who can take the network to a higher level. Meanwhile, my current focus is on establishing key leaders in different regions around the world who can build and sustain serving leadership movements without my input. This includes annual international trips and monthly phone calls. I believe it will take multiple connections over time to succeed and fail forward toward sustainable, reproducible movements.

Now it’s your turn. Who are you currently developing to succeed you, either in your organizational or social context? Go ahead, write something are a serving leader! 

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