Serving Leadership Journey 4Q: My Life Purpose

Luke Kuepfer • May 13, 2020

[My Wednesday blogpost series is connected to my 2020 4Q program in which I share my personal responses to the questions raised in the worksheets.] 

Mission or purpose statements often mystify rather than energize. Jesus never looked at people as an interruption but as an opportunity. His mission was clear. People know your purpose even if you don’t say it or write it down. A personal mission statement defines “Who you are.” It identifies the purpose for which God has created you and sets a course for your life. A mission or purpose statement, together with your personal values, will guide your decisions and give you direction for your life journey. 

Write down your life purpose by working through the following steps:

1) Identify two nouns that describe you and write them in a sentence. Here’s my personal example: “I have a creative mind and motivational speaking skills.” 

Identify two or three personal characteristics about which you feel good. These words will be nouns that describe you. You may select words from this link or identify your own. It may be helpful to consider what others have told you were your strengths. 

2) Identify two verbs that describe your interactions with other people and write them in a sentence. Here’s my personal example: “I inspire and equip people.”

Identify two or three ways in which you successfully interact with people. These words will be verbs that describe how you interact with others. You may select words from this link or identify your own. It may be helpful to think about words people have used to describe your interactions with them or compliments they have given you.

3) Articulate in one sentence what your perfect world would look like if you were successful. Here’s my personal example: “My perfect world is one where people are maximizing their potential through the development of their skills and talents for the glory of God.”

Visualize what your perfect world looks like. What are people doing and saying? How will the world look if you are achieving your life purpose and everything is going as God planned? Write a description of your perfect world.

4) Combine #1-3 into one statement. Here’s my personal example: “My life purpose is to use my creative mind and motivational speaking skills to inspire and equip others toward maximizing their potential through the development of their skills and talents for the glory of God.”

Draft your personal mission statement by combining two of your nouns, two of your verbs, and your definition of your perfect world.

[Click here for a free online course I’ve put together that will walk you through the steps of creating a Purpose Statement with much greater detail.]

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