Serving Leadership Journey 4Q: The Window and the Mirror

Luke Kuepfer • April 8, 2020

[My Wednesday blogpost series is connected to my 2020 4Q program in which I share my personal responses to the questions raised in the worksheets.] 

What are some practical activities a humble leader would engage in when “looking out the window” or “looking in the mirror”?

When we lead to please God as our “Audience of One” something happens to our perspective. We recognize that we are simply stewards of the time and gifts He has given us and with that comes a responsibility to do what is right for those within our sphere of influence and the world around us. We begin leading from a foundation of humility, acknowledging that life is not ultimately about us—it’s about something greater than us. This causes us to look outside of ourselves and celebrate all that is right and good regardless of what part we played in it. 

In Jim Collins’ book, Good to Great, he talks about a level 5 leader as one “who blends extreme personal humility with intense professional will.” His metaphor for humility involves a window and a mirror. Great leaders look out the window at their team when something good happens to give them the credit rather than looking in the mirror to pat themselves on the back. They do look in the mirror however, to accept responsibility when things don’t go as planned. Conversely, not-so-great leaders look in the mirror when things go well to self-congratulate and out the window at their team when things don’t go so well in order to shift the blame. 

For me, looking out the window involves various actions depending on the context. At home, I try to catch my children doing the right thing. That could include a word of praise for saying something nice to a sibling, doing a chore without being told, or highlighting at the dinner table an action by one member that contributed to our home and family spirit. It may be a word of gratitude spoken consistently to my spouse for the numerous thankless tasks performed on a regular basis in our household. Looking out the window in my professional life means listening to others and commending them on their developed skills, successes, and positive attributes. It means always being on the lookout for an opportunity to speak a word of encouragement or reinforcement for something done well. I remind myself often that what gets praised gets repeated.

Looking in the mirror means taking time to occasionally pull out my purpose statement and see how well aligned I am with my beliefs, values, and goals. It also means remembering to reflect on a daily basis, processing through conversation with my spouse, a friend, or my journal—my wins and failures, relationships, emotions, and current challenges. I also engage in “mirror” activities each time I meet with mentors or accountability partners.

Now it’s your turn. What are some practical “window & mirror” activities you can engage in with members of your family, community, or workplace? Go ahead, write something down…you are a serving leader!

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