Your Goals (Part 1)

Luke Kuepfer • February 6, 2019

Goals help us get to where we want to go. The reason many people fly around going somewhere, anywhere, and possibly nowhere is because they haven’t set any life goals.

John Maxwell has stated that, “On the success journey, the goals you set become your road map...and to make progress you need some kind of map—not because you’re hoping or expecting to reach some final destination, but because it shows you how to take the journey.”

I’ve often said that the journey is as important as the destination. Goals are like mile markers along the way that keep you moving in the right direction and help you achieve your life purpose.

Brian Tracy has pointed out that, “The primary cause of success in life is the ability to set and achieve goals. That’s why the people who do not have goals are doomed forever to work for those who do. You either work to achieve your own goals or you work to achieve someone else’s goals.”

I’ve often told my wife and children that if we don’t have a wonderful plan for our lives everyone else will. Either we are intentional and plan the details or others’ plans will end up usurping our priorities.

So be proactive, set some goals for your life, both short-term and long-term. I personally like to write down goals under the categories of personal growth, family/social, health/fitness , and career/ministry.

[Next week I’ll discuss the importance of setting SMART goals.]

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