In Mark 2:21–22 Jesus discussed the challenge of changing from an old system to a new one. He compared the current religious system with an old wineskin that would burst if the new wine of his kingdom was poured into it. Because old wineskins had already swelled to capacity from the fermenting wine, pouring in new wine would push them past the breaking point. Making a significant upgrade without changing the entire system basically could not be done. New wineskins were needed. Those who are invested in an old system, who also may have helped design it, will push hard to protect what they’ve supported and built. When old rigid forms need renewal, great loss can occur through splits and divisions as leaders fight to protect their positions and ideology. Serving leaders introduce change for the good of everyone by letting go of the old and embracing the new. Like Jesus, they teach and model new systems to expose the inferiority of old systems.
Lead, love, and serve, like Jesus!
Have I ever witnessed “new wine” poured into “old wineskins?” Is embracing change typically easy or difficult for me? Why? Do I believe that while the truth never changes, the systems in which it is presented might need to change in order to preserve it? Have I invested in or designed any systems or structures that I would not want to see changed?
[NOTE: As some of my most recent material, I can offer an entire workshop on the subject of CHANGE in person or via video on a USB drive. Contact me at
for more information.]