Your Picture of the Future

Luke Kuepfer • December 19, 2018

In “Alice in Wonderland,” Alice came to a fork in the road and asked the Cheshire Cat for direction. The cat responded, “Where are you going?” to which Alice answered, “I don’t know.” The cat very succinctly replied: “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go.”

Here’s something for serious consideration: If you aim for nothing you will hit it every time! (Common sense that is not commonly understood or acted upon.)

Last week I mentioned your need for a picture of the future—beginning with the end in mind. In this post I want to emphasize that your picture of the future will determine both the direction and the quality of your life’s journey.

Direction because of where your goals point. Aiming at what is truly valuable will determine a future of joy and pleasure. If you ultimately value relationships you will not compromise those nearest and dearest to you to accomplish other goals. (I’ll discuss personal values more in a future post.)

Quality because what you think is a perfect future will largely determine how you live your life. If you prioritize fame and wealth you may very well put others down or climb over them to reach your dreams. Your journey will most likely be marked by frustration, loneliness, sleeplessness, and a host of other negatives that go along with such a pursuit.

So where do you want to be at the end of your life? What do you want your children and grandchildren to say about you and eventually remember about you? Your legacy will closely resemble your picture of the future.

[Click here for a FREE online tool I’ve designed to help you figure out your picture of the future.)

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