Gaining Authority by not Exercising It

Luke Kuepfer • June 4, 2018

A Serving Leadership Insight from the Life of Jesus Christ (Matthew 27:11-14)

In Matthew 27:11–14, Jesus was accused by the religious leaders on a number of charges before Pilate, the Roman governor. Jesus gave no reply, not even to a single charge, greatly amazing the Roman leader. In Pilate’s world, leaders stood up to their accusers. But in Jesus’ world, one didn’t exercise his power and authority to protect it. His kingdom was different in every regard. “Do not resist an evil person,” he had told his disciples earlier. His credibility was fortified by not fighting back or defending himself. Time would prove him right with both the religious leaders and the Romans. Acts 6:7 records that “a large number of priests became obedient to the faith.” And history records that Roman power and authority eventually gave way to Christianity. From a human perspective, Jesus was a loser. But in reality, he was a serving leader who through his death gained access for everyone into an eternal kingdom!

Lead, love, and serve, like Jesus!

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KEY QUESTIONS: Do I spend any time or energy in trying to protect my power and authority? Am I fighting for significance today or happy to play a role in the larger scheme of things that may be affirmed only after I’m gone?

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