In Matthew 26:57–68, Jesus maintained his composure with amazing restraint when put on trial before the religious leaders. Many false witnesses appeared and accused him unjustly. The high priest questioned Jesus, annoyed that he wouldn’t defend himself or refute the testimonies against him. But Jesus remained silent. When finally charged under oath by the high priest to answer whether or not he was the Messiah, the Son of God, Jesus responded in the affirmative along with a description of his future reign and glory. This caused instant outrage among the religious leaders. Calling him a blasphemer, they spat on him and struck him with their fists. But Jesus did not fight back. He simply absorbed their anger. He was their creator, their life-giver, and their source of all privilege and position. He resisted all forms of retribution. Jesus stood resolute in who he was and whose he was, committed to his Father’s will.
Lead, love, and serve, like Jesus!
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How should I respond when I’m accused unjustly? How does absorbing another’s anger affect me in the moment and the other person in the future? How can I stay anchored in who I am and whose I am?