Small Investments Yield Huge Returns

Luke Kuepfer • January 10, 2018

After speaking to a company last year on the Art of Listening , a manager wrote me the following note: “A few years ago I started what I call, ‘Meet at the pump.’ I walk out to the fuel pump as the driver refills his truck. This is always a positive meeting, where I encourage and give positive feedback, but most of all, I listen. This little meeting has transformed our team of 30 drivers and has given them a ‘safe place’ to share their thoughts."

While probably not part of his job description, nor something that affects a year-end bonus, this manager's approach has tapped into something powerful that has a trickle-down effect beyond his imagination. Simply taking the time to listen and create a safe place has transformed a group of truck drivers.

He is also practicing one of the best managing tools out there: "Catch your people doing the right thing!" There's little doubt that the attitudes of those drivers both toward their company and the company's customers are due to this manager's positive input and feedback. Drivers can make or break a company's name as they deliver the goods. And companies like this that treat their employees well will also prevent high turnover and ensuing costs for new hires. They will also not waste precious energy on disgruntled employees.

So what type of trickle-down influence could you have by simply taking time to listen to your people? Have you only been catching people doing the wrong thing? Is it possible to cut your marketing budget by making small tweaks to your management style?

Engaging and motiving people comes down to relationship. Invest in others and they will invest in what you care about.

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