What People Really Want

Luke Kuepfer • January 4, 2018

Zig Ziglar once said, “You will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.” Motivation is about helping people get what they truly want. They might say money, a nice car, or a vacation home on the beach, but what they truly want is something much deeper. People really want financial freedom so there’s no worry and anxiety about tomorrow. They want to achieve significance in the eyes of others, and they really desire rest and connection with family and friends. To engage your employees at a deeper level you need to understand this. Simply throwing money and perks their way without addressing their deepest desires misses the point. In fact, sometimes money demotivates as we'll discover in a future post.

So what if you spent more time figuring out what people really want? What if you customized bonuses or rewards to their deeper desires? And most importantly, what if you helped them achieve significance and discover their unique purpose by investing in their personal development?

Remember, there are some things of greater value that money can never buy!

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