The Great Initiator, Part 4 (GIDEON)

Luke Kuepfer • October 27, 2021

[This is my fourth post of eight in my “Vintage Wednesday” series on “The Great Initiator,” re-written/updated from a blogpost back in April of 2011.]


Gideon is cowering in a winepress, beating out his wheat; it's the last place the Midianites will look for a guy trying to survive. Suddenly a messenger from God appears and refers to Gideon as a mighty warrior. It's an identity he's never assumed nor believes. Gideon attempts to sidestep his calling but ultimately ends up becoming general of a small army. God initiates, Gideon responds, and a simple act of obedience rescues an entire nation from the oppressive Midianites.


Again, super cool story of a guy who went from passivity to greatness. Notice the following key points:

  1. We are made in God's image (Exodus 15:3 refers to God as a Warrior) to accomplish great things. God loves to give us a new identity based on what He does through us (Judges 6:12…see also Revelation 2:17 & 3:12)
  2. We should utilize the strength we have (Judges 6:14-16). God has equipped us and acts on our behalf when we step out in faith believing that He is WITH us.
  3. God loves to reveal Himself and affirm us. Gideon asks God for three signs (Judges 6:17-236:36-38, & 6:39-40) and God one-ups him with one more (7:9-15) for good measure.
  4. We are limited more by what we have than by what we don't have (Judges 7:1-7 teaches us this great irony—what we really need is an unlimited supply of resources provided by the Great Initiator!).
  5. Worship precedes victory. In Judges 7:15-22 we see a unique battle strategy involving worship—the Shema(Deuteronomy 6:4) was usually accompanied by the blowing of trumpets—and faith (standing still while holding a small light) that led to a great victory over the enemy.

God is the Great Initiator and Gideon becomes a hero among men. Unfortunately, this story also leaves us with a stark warning. If the hero takes one iota of glory for what God has done through him, his legacy can easily be destroyed (see Judges 8:22-27 & Judges 9). 

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