The Great Initiator, Part 5 (DAVID)

Luke Kuepfer • November 3, 2021

[This is my fifth post of eight in my “Vintage Wednesday” series on “The Great Initiator,” re-written/updated from a blogpost back in April of 2011.]


David is tending sheep. Anointed one day by God's representative Samuel, David is suddenly thrust toward kingship. But first, a series of challenges including harrowing escapes, near-death encounters, and mischaracterization beset David. God initiates, David submits, and years later after a very difficult journey, David aspires to what was promised.


Did the Great Initiator design all the challenges? Or did He equip David to overcome them? Was David a better leader for it or could he have had the same amount of success without them?


Several key takeaways for leaders:

  1. God—the Great Initiator—may reveal His calling early on but its fulfillment lies years ahead. Will you and I remain committed despite trials, setbacks, and mischaracterization?
  2. Current problems and obstacles in life provide great opportunities to prepare for future leadership challenges.
  3. David was a worshiper—a writer of psalms/songs who trusted in God's sovereignty, no matter what the outcome. Do you and I choose FAITH, worshiping in the middle of difficulty? (On this point, Otto Koning's sermon on “The Weapon of Rejoicing” has been so instrumental in my life) 

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